Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Getting Started With Canvas session - part 1

I'm at the Canvas conference, called InstructureCon. I'm signed up for 2 pre-session workshops.  The first one is called Getting Started with Canvas. The first portion of the 3 hour session is learning about Canvas from the student perspective. Here are some of my favorite features.
·         The Calendar - pulls in info from all of the student's courses or not. Also, you can sync it with Outlook, Google Calendar, etc. Nice!
  • Submitting work - there are lots of options for submitting an assignment. Students can upload a file, link to a Google Doc, type in text, etc.

Students can also upload or record media right into Canvas - cool!
The recording feature is throughout Canvas - you can record discussion posts, 

Thoughts about this session - we started from the student perspective.  This was pedagogically a good idea, but practically, everyone in the class was desperate to get started actually creating classes. They had almost no patience for the student experience. I would flip it.
OK - time for a break. More in the next post.

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