Monday, April 22, 2013

Solutions through Partnership: the Evolution of an Online Science Course

Solutions through Partnership: the Evolution of an Online Science Course
This was, unfortunately, a pretty bad presentation. The presenter didn't lay any foundation, so I had no idea until midway through the presentation that the presenter was not from a college, but an educational organization (Dallas Telelearning). I guess had I realized that this was essentially a sales demo, I would have selected a different session.

Here are my basic notes:

Dallas telelearning science for non- science majors
Using eScience labs, integrating Evernote for student note taking - cool
EScience labs customized the labs for the college, pulling from existing products and customizing products
McGraw hill also involved, filling in areas of the Cost, Time, Quality
Each of the partners contributed money to the effort as well.

Assessment - how is it done? Varies by instructor, some take pictures, some have students upload video of the entire lab

EScience labs notes that there is a level where the kit can't do the trick. But it does work well for college level, introductory science courses.

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